Thursday, April 20, 2006
Kwan Yin and Maple thought that worked pretty well, they've decided to await the herds once again. Can you guess what their markov chain will model? Please let us know.
And what is Eat Stuff up to? Hmm, 'getti and meatballs! I I ate it now, I would have problems, but chefboyardee! i can remember what mom used to make from scratch. The can stuff was good too, so maybe I wasn't much of an epicure when I was 6. The kitties know what to eat! Check out her lovely kitchen come the weekend. It will be Weekend Cat Blogging number 46.
Modulator embodies Hercules in this fleecing of the golden chase lounge. I count 83, making use of the fundamental tool induction. He announces Carnival of the Cats diligently as well, this one sporting a 109. It will be at animal family.
What a cool name.